Thursday, March 13, 2014

A beautiful game!!

Yes i am talking about a billion Indians passion - cricket.

Cricket is not just a battle of ball with the bat,
Specially in India where stacks are just too fat.
As one rightly said cricket is our religion and Sachin is our God.

Cricket is something which makes million heartbeats pumping,
Let India win a match and even a sixty year old starts jumping.
A young boy learns to hold a cricket bat first than a pen,
And we become an cricket expert as soon as we age ten,

We are more worried about the world cup fixtures than our exam result,
Every Indian victory is followed with Adrenalinic exult,
Even few failing results cant get out cricketing passions tame,
So crazy is our love for the game,
That we would remember every world cricketer by even his second name,

It is the only glue that can bind a country full of fractions,
It is astonishing to see what 11 men on 22 yards has done what most could not do.

                                                                          - Ruchik

1 comment:

Satish said...

True!...On the similar lines there is movie Invictus...